Wednesday, January 7, 2009


For Christmas I got a Trikke. It's sort of a 3 wheeled scooter that you power yourself. It's alot of fun, but there's definately a learning curve. You can't just get on it and make it move. Alan and Shayla and I went down the street to where the pavement begins and tried to learn how to use it but there is a slight incline right there and it was HARD making it move uphill! We came back home and watched the video that came with it and I think we could do it now. It always helps to have some instruction... eh? We haven't had a chance to try again because it's turned pretty cold outside, but we will probably do it again this weekend. Here are some pictures of us (trying) riding the Trekke. If you're interested, you can see any number of videos of people riding this thing on YouTube.

The pictures where we're actually moving is going DOWNHILL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER seen one of these, looks fun!!!!!